
Showing posts from 2019

Invalid state. ''bad, state expected : null. in msal Angular

When you are using MSAL in angular app you encounter this error "Invalid state. ''bad, state expected : null" while calling " getCachedTokenInternal " method.  Typescript shows pass string in intelligence and if you are now aware about state then you will pass blank string like "" but it gives above error.  Solution Pass the state as "null" as below. var  token =  super .getCachedTokenInternal(scopes,  this .getAccount(),  null ); For more refer git error explanation - Invalid state Expected: null Thanks QFLES

export 'ɵɵdefineInjectable' was not found in '@angular/core' Fixed

Error -   export 'ɵɵdefineInjectable' was not found in '@angular/core' Root Cause - when we inject the service at both places in service @Inectable({providedin:root}) and in module provider also , then we face this error. @Injectable({   providedIn:  'root' }) export   class  NgxAuthService  extends  UserAgentApplication {} and in module we are registering service in provider as below. providers: [         { provide: MSAL_CONFIG, useValue: config }, NgxAuthService,       { provide: WindowWrapper, useValue: window }       ] Solution - replace above  service class code as below. @Injectable() export   class  NgxAuthService  extends  UserAgentApplication {

System.Net.Http.HttpClient' does not contain a definition for 'PostAsJsonAsync

Error: 'System.Net.Http. HttpClient '  does not contain a definition for 'PostAsJsonAsync ' and  no  extension method ' PostAsJsonAsync ' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Net.Http. HttpClient ' could be found Solution:  You need to add a reference to System . Net . Http . Formatting . dll This can be found in the extensions assemblies area. A good way of achieving this is by adding the NuGet package  System.Net.Http.Formatting.Extension  to your project. Faced this problem in  QFLES